A monthly publication of the Meridian Amateur Radio Club January 2002

Bible Verse

If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Hebrews 10:26-27 NIV

President’s Comments

HAPPY NEW YEAR radio operators. Good to see everyone Sat morning at the truck stop. Want to thank staff for such a good year 2001.

Hope we can have the same with a little extra thrown in. We want your comments for activity this coming year. Looks like we have some good ideas already coming in. Have a GRAND 2002.

88 and 73,s W5OQY CP

Vice President’s Comments

Happy New Year! Debbie and I thank the many that showed up for the MARC Christmas party on December 21, 2001. What a great way to bring to an end a very difficult year - spending time in fellowship with good friends. We were not sure if we would have enough room, but with the help of many, we certainly enjoyed opening our home to you. Thank you!

In addition, a HUGE thanks goes out to the 2001 officers for a productive year. The 2002 officers certainly have a tough act to follow. We simply will do the best that we can to make this a fruitful year.

May God bless each of you.

73, Darrell, W5MAV

Secretary Report

Minutes from business meeting held January 5, 2002

1. Senior citizens' dues rate became effective January 1, 2002. For age 65 and over, dues are $15 per year.
2. February business meeting to be held January 26th due to conflict with Jackson hamfest.
3. The revised Constitution and By-laws were approved by the members present*.
4. Field Day site at Bonita Lakes has already been secured for June 22 and 23, 2002.
5. Club web site address will be changed and cost to do so approved.

Treasurer Report

Happy New Year! We begin the new year with 27 paid members as of January 6, 2002. Thank you for helping us get the new year off to a good start. In addition, the pavilion at Bonita Lakes (Coot’s Crossing) has been reserved for Field Day 2002.

Please bring your 2002 dues to the Queen City Truck stop on Saturday mornings or mail them to the address below. Have a great month! 73, KD5JYJ

c/o Debbie Hover
11785 Nancy Drive
Collinsville, MS 39325

The Albert Edward "Ward" Breland Award

About the Award

Ward Breland, KA5MVB, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Breland, was twenty years of age when he died of overwhelming infection following his second kidney transplant in 1983. He was a student at Millsaps College at the time of his death. He has been described as having a wonderful and original intelligence which truly enlightened the lives of those around him. He bore his chronic illness with wry good humor.

Family friend Bob Currier, WB5D, encouraged the Jackson Amateur Radio Club to establish The Breland Fund in honor of Ward. Over the years, the Fund has grown, through individual donations, club donations, and proceeds of used equipment auctions, etc., to a corpus that can sustain an ongoing award to young hams for achievement in amateur radio.

The first two Breland Awards were announced at the JARC Hamfest in February, 2001. They went to Andrew McLarty, KC5OSX and Daniel Didlake, KC5KMJ.

2002 Breland Award Nominations Sought

The second Breland Award will be presented at the Jackson Hamfest on Saturday, February 2, 2002. JARC members and others are invited to make nominations based on the following criteria.

The nominee should be 21 years of age or younger. The nominee should be a licensed amateur or have a demonstrated interest in amateur radio. There should be a description of how the nominee has demonstrated that interest. There may be speculation as to what the nominee might do with the cash award (i.e., save for college, buy radio equipment, etc.)

Nominations should be sent to Bill McLarty, KM5GE, via email at or by mail to the JARC post office address (P. O. Box 55643, Jackson, MS 39296), arriving no later than Monday, January 28, 2002. A committee will review all nominations and determine the winner.

Received from K6MG, tnx

Have a great month

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