Luke 1:28-33 --- The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.” (NIV)
President's Report
Hello all,
Well December is here and we will be holding our meeting on Saturday the 10th. We want to congratulate the VE team and the ones who passed their test at the last session. Two upgrades and one new tech, we hope they are enjoying their new privileges.
Anyone wanting to join the ARES team, please see me to get signed up. We will be starting the training process in January.
Saturday Dec 3rd is Skywarn day for those thinking about taking the course. Sometime next year LEMA will be hosting another weather class, stay tuned for more details.
I hope to see you all at the social on Saturday.
73's Charles Grisham, KB5SZJ
Next MARC Business Meeting
The next business meeting / Christmas Gathering will be held at the Western Sizzlin Restaurant located on North Frontage Road on Saturday, December 10th beginning at 11 A.M. We will meet in the small room up front behind the cash register area.
Come join us for sweet tea, lunch, and fellowship. Hope you can join us!
Call For Instructors
ARRL is embarking on a journey of training for club officers and members. The new club development webinar series will include live Q&A, and the live sessions will be available to everyone. The webinars will be recorded and available to ARRL members through the ARRL Learning Center. We're looking for ARRL members to help us produce, create, and deliver the webinars.
The purpose of this program is to offer a series of short webinars that offer training for the skills needed to build and run a successful club. Topics will include leadership, activities, finance, and recruiting. Envisioned is a series of 10 or more webinars, all lasting from 20 to 30 minutes.
The hope is that club officers and members will view the series as an opportunity to learn from others that have been able to put those skills to use. To do this, we need the help of membership. We're looking for instructors to help with building the training. We're also looking for members that can present in a standard format and have the skills necessary to do the training. If this sounds like something that you are interested in, please contact Mike Walters, W8ZY, at for further details. We hope to start this series in late January 2023
W1AW 2022 Winter Operating Schedule
ARRL Bulletin 20 ARLB020
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT November 7, 2022
To all radio amateurs
Morning Schedule:
Time Mode Days
------------------- ---- ---------
1400 UTC (9 AM EST) CWs Wed, Fri
1400 UTC (9 AM EST) CWf Tue, Thu
Daily Visitor Operating Hours:
1500 UTC to 2045 UTC - (10 AM to 3:45 PM EST)
Afternoon/Evening Schedule:
2100 UTC (4 PM EST) CWf Mon, Wed, Fri
2100 " " CWs Tue, Thu
2200 " (5 PM EST) CWb Daily
2300 " (6 PM EST) DIGITAL Daily
0000 " (7 PM EST) CWs Mon, Wed, Fri
0000 " " CWf Tue, Thu
0100 " (8 PM EST) CWb Daily
0200 " (9 PM EST) DIGITAL Daily
0245 " (9:45 PM EST) VOICE Daily
0300 " (10 PM EST) CWf Mon, Wed, Fri
0300 " " CWs Tue, Thu
0400 " (11 PM EST) CWb Daily
Frequencies (MHz)
CW: 1.8025 3.5815 7.0475 14.0475 18.0975 21.0675 28.0675 50.350 147.555
DIGITAL: - 3.5975 7.095 14.095 18.1025 21.095 28.095 50.350 147.555
VOICE: 1.855 3.990 7.290 14.290 18.160 21.390 28.590 50.350 147.555
CWs = Morse Code practice (slow) = 5, 7.5, 10, 13 and 15 WPM
CWf = Morse Code practice (fast) = 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 13 and 10 WPM
CWb = Morse Code Bulletins = 18 WPM
CW frequencies include code practices, Qualifying Runs and CW bulletins.
DIGITAL = BAUDOT (45.45 baud), BPSK31 and MFSK16 in a revolving schedule.
Code practice texts are from QST, and the source of each practice is given at the beginning of each practice and at the beginning of alternate speeds.
On Tuesdays and Fridays at 2330 UTC (6:30 PM EST), Keplerian Elements for active amateur satellites are sent on the regular digital frequencies.
A DX bulletin replaces or is added to the regular bulletins between
0100 UTC (8 PM EST) Thursdays and 0100 UTC (8 PM EST) Fridays.
Audio from W1AW's CW code practices, CW/digital bulletins and phone bulletin is available using EchoLink via the W1AW Conference Server named "W1AWBDCT." The monthly W1AW Qualifying Runs are presented here as well. The audio is sent in real-time and runs concurrently with W1AW's regular transmission schedule.
All users who connect to the conference server are muted. Please note that any questions or comments about this server should not be sent via the "Text" window in EchoLink. Please direct any questions or comments to .
In a communications emergency, monitor W1AW for special bulletins as follows: Voice on the hour, Digital at 15 minutes past the hour, and CW on the half hour.
All licensed amateurs may operate the station from 1500 UTC to 2045 UTC (10 AM to 3:45 PM EST). Be sure to bring a reference copy of your current FCC amateur radio license.
The weekly W1AW and monthly West Coast Qualifying Runs are sent on the normal CW frequencies used for both code practice and bulletin transmissions. West Coast Qualifying Run stations may also use 3590 kHz.
The W1AW Operating Schedule may also be found on page 28 in the November 2022 issue of QST or on the web at, .
Quote of the Month
“Remember This December, That love weighs more than gold!” — Josephine Daskam Bacon
Have a BLESSED month!